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Coalition for Physician ENHANCEMENT

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CPE Board of Directors Call for Nominees

Nominations are requested for members to serve on the Board of Directors of the Coalition for Physician Enhancement (CPE). These are individuals, selected by their peers by online ballot, who are willing and able to contribute time and energy to the CPE Board of Directors – the policy and direction-setting body of the organization. Newly elected Board members will officially begin their terms on January 1, 2024, but will be invited as guests to the final Board meeting of 2023. We want to encourage our members to consider this exciting opportunity to make a lasting contribution to CPE’s future growth and development.   

According to the CPE Bylaws, the Board has nine members representing the specific membership categories of the organization. Six board members are organizational member representatives and three board members are general members.

For this election there are six open positions on the Board of Directors: three Organizational Positions and three General positions.

Note: Organizational members of CPE are organizations that have applied for and met the criteria for Organizational membership as determined by the Board of Directors of CPE; each Organizational member identifies up to five individual representatives as members of CPE. General members are individuals who have joined CPE in the general membership category, which is open to all persons interested in joining CPE. According to the CPE Bylaws, there are nine Board positions: six are reserved for Organizational Members and three are reserved for General Members.  

Expectations of Board Members

  • Terms are for three years and you may be re-elected, but service is limited to no longer than six consecutive years;
  • Participation in all CPE educational activities is strongly encouraged; participation is expected in a minimum of either one CPE conference (long format) per year or two CPE educational activities (e.g., webinar; journal club – short-format) per year;   
  • Participation in regularly scheduled Board video conferences (minimum quarterly, up to every 2 months; typically 1.5 h in duration);
  • Attendance at an additional Board meeting (the annual strategic planning meeting, typically 1.5 days or 3 x 4 h in duration) per year. If the strategic planning meeting is conducted as an in-person meeting, in-person attendance is strongly encouraged; however, participation via video conference (e.g., Zoom) is also an option if in-person attendance is not possible;
  • Board committee participation, including telephone or video conferences related to committee membership;
  • Active participation in CPE planning, Board governance and Board development activities;
  • Ability to self-fund or receive employer funding to participate in CPE activities. CPE does not reimburse Board members for travel, or lodging expenses related to meetings or waive registration fees to attend educational sessions.

Criteria for Applicants

The Nominating Committee is seeking the best available candidates. 

  • Current membership (either Organizational or General) in CPE is a requirement. 
  • Participation/attendance at past CPE educational offerings is also a requirement. Within the past 24 months, candidates must have attended either:
  • One full CPE conference (1.5 day) or two short-format educational offerings (webinar and/or journal club).
  • Experience in physician assessment and/or continuing professional education is highly desirable.   
  • CPE policy dictates that each organizational member is limited to one representative on the Board of Directors; therefore, the Nominating Committee will take this into account when creating the slate of candidates.

How to apply for a Position on the Board of Directors

Electronic nominations must be received by August 18, 2023They can be completed on this form.

The candidate must submit:

  • A completed Fact Sheet (linked to this communication),
  • A brief biographical sketch,
  • Answers to three questions addressing how the candidate meets the desired attributes,
  • A curriculum vitae, and
  • One letter of reference from an individual who knows the candidate in a professional capacity sent to Matt Grayson at

Candidates will only be considered if this information is submitted by August 18, 2023. Members may nominate themselves or other members.

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